Media Statement – 13 February 2021

Home Affairs Minister Dr Aaron Motsoaledi leads the deployment of senior managers of the Department to key land border posts following Cabinet approval of the reopening of the land borders on 15 February 2021

Borders Opening
Borders Opening

The Home Affairs Minister Dr Aaron Motsoaledi is scheduled to be at Lebombo Border Post, Deputy Minister Mr Njabulo Nzuza at Beitbridge and Director General Mr Tommy Makhode at Maseru Bridge and Ficksburg on Monday, 15 February 2021 when the land ports of entry reopen.

The Minister, Deputy Minister and the Director General are visiting the four busiest land ports to monitor the implementation of plans to process travellers through the ports.

This deployment follows a Cabinet decision earlier today to reopen the 20 land borders to ordinary travel which were closed on 11 January 2021 as part of the country’s efforts to control the spread of Covid-19.

“The active and orderly management of people through our borders is an important part of the country’s overall risk adjusted approach to control the spread of Covid-19. In the past four weeks the Department has increased its engagements with officials in neighbouring countries, provinces with land borders and other stakeholders to improve coordination of efforts. The aim of these engagements was to share plans and ensure seamless movement of travellers and goods to minimise the chances of border crossings being super spreader events,” said Minister Motsoaledi.

Minister Motsoaledi said any person presenting themselves at any of the borders with fake Covid-19 certificates will be denied entry and barred from visiting South Africa for a period of at least five years.

“We appeal to travellers to ensure that they have all the requisite travel documents, including valid Covid-19 tests, when they present themselves to officials at our borders. Truck drivers should adhere to laws, regulations and agreements in place in the border area. This will go a long way in minimising congestion,” said Minister Motsoaledi.

Please find the link to the 20 land borders to reopen;

Media enquiries:

Siya Qoza – 082 898 1657 (spokesperson for the Minister of Home Affairs)

David Hlabane – 071 342 4284 (media manager for the Department of Home Affairs)