It’s nearly Mothers’ Day again and I miss my mum. There I said it. I miss her, I really do. More so as I get older for some reason. I also miss my mother-in-law. Yes, I said that too! She and I kinda got on. I liked to tease her a bit and make her laugh. They were 2 very special but different women, my mum Lucia, and my mum-in-law Yvonne (Nanna), and of different generations too.

But they loved me (they couldn’t help it I guess!), and I loved them. Both are now gone unfortunately. Both to cancer. Both very brave right until the end. So, these days I find that Mothers’ Day is quite poignant, me being motherless and all. Sure, I like to celebrate the day with my wife and our kids, but my wife is my kids’ mom, not mine.
But I’ve also come to realise recently that that’s not the point.
That it’s not only about celebrating my mum. My wife is an awesome mother. She works her ass off to give the offspring (and myself) a good life. We’re a dual income household, and she’s taken on so much work to make sure that, not only are the expenses taken care of, but also that there’s often a little bit extra for the family.
She’s sacrificed a lot of her social life so she can give us this good life, and all the extra little bits. She’s not a “tiger” mom, and she’s a great listener, but she often frets and worries on the kids’ behalf and is always looking for ways to minimise their anxiety and stress. Selflessly and often to her own detriment emotionally. She really is a wonderful mother and needs to be appreciated and celebrated.

You are an awesome mother Pam, we love you and you really do deserve a Happy Mothers’ Day.

I know there are millions of mothers out there who also justify a lot of praise. Some get it, of that I’m sure, but for many others Mothers’ Day is not a day of celebration. It’s just another day of toil and hardship, of struggling to put food on the table, of mental and/or physical abuse, a day of endless chores and of keeping a head above water and other people happy.
A day when perhaps being a mother is not the promised blessing from a Hallmark Card. These mothers are often in my thoughts and I wish that I could tell them that they are doing wonderful things. Just by getting your kids through another day or how surviving another night with them will impact their lives significantly, and THAT makes you a very special mother. Happy Mothers’ Day to these moms especially.
It’s been a tough year for everyone, but even more so for those poor mothers who, because of Covid and lockdown, have had to become teachers, lecturers, tutors, IT & Software technicians, nurses, virologists, researchers, entertainers, fitness instructors, crafting gurus, online shopping experts, secretaries, negotiators, psychologists, brewers, black-market smugglers, gourmet chefs etc. These poor moms are exhausted!
You really need to spoil your mother this Mother’s Day!
Go.See.Do. South Africa is here to help and we have some suggestions for a few Mothers’ Day treats and gifts in your area – see here. We’ve got a few ideas on where to shop and what to do for your moms all around South Africa. You can also check out our Mothers’ Day Newsletter here and/or you can subscribe to our Newsletter here for regular news and information of cool places to GO, fun things to SEE and great activities to DO in with your mum around our beautiful Country – you can thank us later!
But, whatever we do, let’s make sure that this year our mothers’ are properly acknowledged and made to feel appreciated.
Happy Mothers’ Day!